Then I moved on to teddy bears and had well over 30 collector bears. Not the cheap kind. They filled a bay window. Now... sadly... they just take up room... and many have been sold in garage sales over the years. I did keep my favorites though and every year they put on their little red bows and come downstairs and share Christmas with us.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
more of my favorite things
Then I moved on to teddy bears and had well over 30 collector bears. Not the cheap kind. They filled a bay window. Now... sadly... they just take up room... and many have been sold in garage sales over the years. I did keep my favorites though and every year they put on their little red bows and come downstairs and share Christmas with us.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
cha ching cherry!
And sweet, red cherries.
And red, luscious raspberries.
And red, sweet watermelon.
But it doesn't really matter if I'm not a red kinda person in all areas of my life all of the time because as long as I have my red hankies and red vintage tablecloths and sweet red watermelon, life is good....
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
ruffled feathers
We're still in the "cold weather" stage and can't plant much more than pansies, primroses, and anemones outside right now. But I'm making my list and when the time is right....
Gardening is extremely expensive in Juneau. This pansy came in a pak of six small plants. I bought three containers and it came to $27. But in Juneau ya do what ya have to do.... ya bite the bullet.... ya turn the other eye.... You do what you have to do to have that splash of color in what can be an otherwise dark and dreary day.
Hope your day was sunshiny!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
a perfect job
I spent all day Sunday looking for a giant-size can of Snow Be Gone but none was to be found. I suspect all the people with a snow-free zone have already bought it all.... :) So we had to revert to getting rid of snow the old fashioned way.... Shoveling it onto the driveway, spreading it out, stomping on it, anything to help it melt! My sister had to laugh that all winter we worked endlessly to remove the snow from our driveway.... now we were shoveling it back on!
Yes, we have started shoveling the snow back on to the driveway where it is a little warmer and melts more quickly. We're just helping Mother Nature along. The raised beds will become snow-free sooner, the soil warmed up sooner, and the potatoes planted on time.... maybe.
Have a sunshiny day!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
what kind of flower are you

It's funny because this is so true. I do wish I could be more dramatic at times but the realization is that I am not.... so why not be content with who I am instead of wishing I was someone different.... better....
Personally, my favorite flower is the peony. I wonder what that says about a person....
What kind of flower are you?
Saturday, April 21, 2007
a home without a season
Friday, April 20, 2007
sunny day
Thursday, April 19, 2007
eye spy
Yesterday was a good day. It was sunny and gorgeous outside and inside the kitchen was sparkling. I'm excited about the new uses found for my recent thrift store finds. This urn is now holding tea bags and another one is holding garlic. I'm thinking also
But I have to say, all the while I was working.... it felt like someone was watching me.... It was eerie....
The biggest part of my day was spent polishing vintage silverware. Where does it come from and why do I have so much of it? The answer is simply.... because I'm a collector; I hate getting rid of things especially if it came from family. But over the years I've learned to downsize and it's time to downsize my silverware as well. We don't use it; it's just for looks and it does require polishing at least once a year. I'll keep my favorite pieces and see if the kids want the rest.
Today is another simply gorgeous day outside.... and here I am, inside.... But it'll feel good to get spring cleaning done.
Just wish I could shake the feeling that someone is watching me....
Have a sunshiny day!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
snow free zone
Mike and I went for a ride in the morning. It doesn't take long.... we
Downtown is getting ready for the tourist season. Yesterday all you saw were construction and city workers busily getting streets and shops spruced up for the tourist season. In about two weeks the scene downtown will look a lot different. We'll have cruise ships tied
After arriving home, our sweet dog, Kona, surprised us with a visit and spent the afternoon with us. Of course the only thing on Kona's agenda is playing ball, so with ball in mouth, outside we go.
This is Kona's version of making a snow angel. I laughed so hard watching her roll around in the snow. She was just having a hay day; happy to be alive and in our back yard running and playing.
These boots were not made for walking! I found them at our local thrift store a few years ago
Meanwhile, life goes on. The snow too will melt and my flowers will bloom and life will be good. Today is a non-rainy day and is actually pretty nice out. I plan on continuing my spring cleaning and will work in the kitchen today. I found some treasures at the thrift store yesterday that I'm thrilled about but they need to be washed up before I can show them. So until tomorrow, have a sunshiny day filled with good things!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
favorite things
I was able to find this darling pink flowered pillow for our bed though. Fred Meyers had re-stocked the shelves overnight and now I wish I could buy them all. They're darling!
And I don't know if saying "scored" on the baskets is a good thing or not.... I was able to buy the last of the same style to put in the closet shelves.... but they were busted.... I bought them anyway because (1) you don't know IF they'll bring the same style in or (2) WHEN. So I bought them.... at a 10% discount. I'm just going to say they're "old," have been handed down for generations :)
But I wasn't able to find any 6" deep plastic bins for our seasonal clothes; didn't like the selection of rugs; and didn't see any cute little lamps that would work on my dresser. So my enthusiasm wavered a little by the end of the morning and I still have these items on my list and the bedroom still isn't done. But it looks better! I even opened the window for some.... ahhhhhh.... fresh air!
I was walking through Fred Meyers yesterday with Mike (my hubby) and oohing and aahing over all the cute little spring dresses perfect for a granddaughter.... of which I have none.... My kids are grown; Tracy is 31 and Bucky 23 with no grandkids in sight..... But that's okay, I've accepted that. At least I have these precious dogs to spoil.
Sadie is our sweetheart. We found her at the pound where she had just been dropped
I guess these are my grandkids for now and wonder how they would look with a cute little spring dress on....
Monday, April 16, 2007
spring has sprung
I know it's officially "spring," but it sure doesn't feel like it. Here in Juneau we still have a ton of snow on the ground. And it's ugly snow.... dirty, ugly, end-of-the-season snow. As it recedes along the driveway, you can see all the ugly winter debris that has laid dormant underneath it all winter. I can hardly wait to get outside and start raking it up. This picture was just taken yesterday. Doesn't hardly look like spring, does it?!
Now, if only my baby Rocker Jays would show up. It's pretty funny to see all their downy fluff sticking out all over their bodies. But no babies just yet; maybe they're sitting on their nests since we still have so much snow.
But the real indicator that spring is here.... I'm in the mood to clean! Nothing is sacred this time of year--closets and drawers; clothes; books; bedding. Every nook and cranny gets cleaned out and pared down; boxes and boxes of good stuff gets donated to the kids or the local St. Vincents; places get cleaned that haven't been cleaned for months.... Our winters are so long and so dark that spring is a definite renewal of the spirit and soul. It's a time for change; for refreshing our surroundings. This year I'm ready to get back to "cottage." I used to be more of a cottage person than I am now. Over the years I've downsized too many times and have passed on a lot of my goodies to my daughter, Tracy. I wonder if she'll give it all back....? :) Now our home is a mixture of Alaskana/country/cozy cottage with a mixture of mission and antiques. But it should be easy to incorporate a little more "cottage" into it because I've got the bug. The bug for vintage, for colors, for casual quaintness.
To that end, I started in our bedroom yesterday. We've never had a "bedroom bedroom." It's always been a catch all room for anything without a true home.... So my goal this week is to make it into a real bedroom, a romantic and comfortable room without all that other stuff! I mean we have baseball cards, office papers, umbrellas, tools, magnetic health products, paper rolls for our loose change, luggage, extra furniture, and the list can go on and on. Does this sound like a romantic bedroom? I think not! So it's all coming out! Not certain where it's going, but it's all going to find a new home. A big problem I have is our California closets.... I'm not so crazy about them because they're just open, there's no closet doors to hide things behind so you can see everything and it looks cluttered. So I bought some baskets to hold our stuff (or to hide it....) but need a few more.
Have a sunshiny day!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
great finds
I have to admit though, that I get a little jealous when I visit your sites and see all the wonderful treasures you come home with.... Juneau is not like that. Our garage sales aren't so great most of the time, and if you are fortunate enough to find one.... relish it! Yesterday I did find some decent treasures. Like this darling little dish. Not certain what its function is.... but I use them for olives and such. The bowls are just shallow enough for small portions. I paid $2.00 for this gem.
The peach pitcher I bought mostly for decoration. There isn't any stamp other than "made in Taiwan" so I don't know its history. I'll probably put flowers in it and set it on a little bistro table outside once it warms up. I love pitchers! Each has their own little charm. I paid $1.00 for this from a family who was packing it all up and going sailing!
And the cute little flower pitcher looks vintage. It's only about 8" tall and very very heavy. It looks to be in excellent shape and will be perfect for serving lemonade or iced tea outside on a warm summer day.... Surprisingly I found it at our thrift store for $5.00. Chances of finding a jewel at our thrift store are slim to nothing. I can't help but wonder where all the treasures go....
This is a large tin bucket but not certain what its original purpose is either but it'll look great outside as yard art. If our snow ever leaves.... We still have 3 feet of it in our front yard. This is supposed to be spring! I'm supposed to be outside getting my fingernails dirty! But I love yard art. When we moved into our home, the kind previous owners left a cast iron wood stove in the shed. Instead of taking it to the dump, we hauled it to the back yard, took the doors off, filled it with dirt, and in the summer I have flowers blooming inside the door and pots sitting on top of it! I'll post a picture later this year. It's just the cutest little garden room.
Most of my true treasures though are hand-me-downs from my mom or things my kids have given or made for me. I especially love taking an object and using it in some other way than what is expected. Like this old, green chandelier that probably held candles originally. Now it makes for a lovely place to hang my necklaces! My mom always had baskets hanging from it.
And this ottoman.... used to be our dining room table! It was an antique when I bought it and eventually the ornate legs gave out. We threw the table away, but kept the legs to "recycle" somehow. Bucky took the legs and surprised me with this ottoman a few years back. It's still fairly fragile so I don't use it for a stool much; it's mostly for looks. And I love looking at it.Yesterday was a good day. I found some pretty good treasures and some vintage books; I put away the last of my Easter decorations; AND made this scrumptious strawberry blackberry shortcake for dessert !
Have a sunshiny day!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
easter past
Decorated Eggs: Here's one of my favorite decorated eggs. Isn't it precious?! In all fairness, the eggs were quite old.... as I had dyed and blown them out years and years ago; I just never finished decorating them. So a trip to our local Joann's and $33 later.... I had enough ribbon and sewing notions to decorate a hundred eggs.... never mind I only had eight to do! But it's such a simple and fun project that maybe next year I'll invite my daughter (Tracy) and my son's fiance (Michelle) to help. While "down south" recently, I found a book at Williams Sonoma on decorating eggs. Beading eggs will be next....
Sugar Cookies:
Easter is one of my favorite seasons, as it's so easy to do "homemade."
Tomorrow I look forward to sharing some of my other craft projects with you.... but now I really must get dressed and head to the first garage sales of the season! Wish me luck on some good finds!
Have a sunshiny day!
Friday, April 13, 2007
a love note
Thursday, April 12, 2007
pieces of the puzzle
Life is full of challenges.... I never promised you a rose garden.... Take time to smell the flowers.... I've said them all over the years. Life can suck; there's no doubt about it. But as you get older I think it's easier to find the silver lining in things.... the good.... the positive.... a reason to help you accept what's going on in your life. "Every cloud has a silver lining" is one of my favorite sayings now and what I wanted to name my blog. But since it wasn't available, I had to go with Plan B. Plan B came to me recently when I was being reclusive sitting in my pretty little blue recliner that had been placed in my bedroom. Life had been particularly difficult recently and I needed a place to decompress. So we bought a tiny recliner and my daughter, Tracy, made me a darling journal to write my thoughts in. It was during one of my writing sessions that it came to me. Life is nothing more than a jigsaw puzzle.... If we're lucky,
it'll have 1,000 pieces to it and piece by piece, year by year, the pieces of the puzzle will be put in place. The border pieces are our values, or strengths, our beliefs. These are the pieces that identify us. The pieces within the border are life's adventures; our struggles; our strengths; our challenges; our regrets; our loves; our dislikes. The pieces are life. So, welcome to my life!