I spent all day Sunday looking for a giant-size can of Snow Be Gone but none was to be found. I suspect all the people with a snow-free zone have already bought it all.... :) So we had to revert to getting rid of snow the old fashioned way.... Shoveling it onto the driveway, spreading it out, stomping on it, anything to help it melt! My sister had to laugh that all winter we worked endlessly to remove the snow from our driveway.... now we were shoveling it back on!
Yes, we have started shoveling the snow back on to the driveway where it is a little warmer and melts more quickly. We're just helping Mother Nature along. The raised beds will become snow-free sooner, the soil warmed up sooner, and the potatoes planted on time.... maybe.
Have a sunshiny day!
Oh I don't envy any of the shoveling - on or off the driveway! But I do wish I was there to take advantage of your green thumb... My yard is huge and naked -except for weeds and trees. It would probably make you cry because it is so neglected.
Bucky has told Mike that I'm not going to make any money.... and already today, $18 worth of pansies came home....
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