Yesterday was my
daughter's birthday. Today I feel a year older. Why is that? It's funny because birthdays never bothered me, or at least not mine. When I turned 40, it didn't bother me; when I turned 50, it didn't bother me; when I turned 55.... okay, it finally clicked that I was no spring chick anymore! Yet, when the kids

turned another year old, I would think, "wow,
they're really getting old!Imagine, ME, with a 30 year old!" Ha!
Here's Tracy hanging up her Happy Birthday banner custom made by Jerusalem at
Storia Home. Oh, my gosh! If you have a birthday coming up or some other occasion -- a new baby being born -- a wedding -- you MUST run, not walk, your little fingers to Jeru's Etsy shop and order one of her banners. Her pictures don't do them justice. My picture doesn't do it justice. It was just too beautiful and I can hardly wait to order another one for my first grandbaby due in November. (By the way, I had the banner hung already but we wanted a better placement for it to take a picture. It's not like Tracy had to decorate for her own party!)
We had a busy day yesterday getting ready. Birthdays and other occasions are always events a

t my house. They're all about the details. Bucky built a fire. I love having a fire pit on our deck, but sadly the only time we use it is when Bucky builds a fire. I love my son for that detail that he adds to our gatherings.
I'm not certain why I feel such a need to make birthdays and holidays so special, but I suspect it goes back to my childhood. I was raised in a very dysfunctional home and, unfortunately, don't have many good memories of my childhood. Not to say I didn't
have a nice birthday, I just don't remember; they were usually overshadowed by the drinking and fighting. Anyway, I think that's why I've tried to make good memories for my children. So when they got older they had more good memories to fall back on than bad.
Most parties have a theme involved. One year for Bucky's 8th birthday, I think it was, the theme was "snowboarding." The balloons were all white and hovered over the dining table, like clouds. On the table was a white cake with a skiing theme. I stuffed Soapy's (my first husband) wet suit with clothes and then dressed it with skiing clothes and propped it next to the table to look like a snowboarder. It was pretty fun although Bucky says he doesn't remember it.... Maybe these birthday themes are more for me.... than my kids.... hmmmm....

Yesterday's theme was Bullwinkle's Pizza Parlor. Tracy wanted home made pizza, cooked on the grill, "just like we had at Bucky and Michelle's that time." Oh, so yummy. We got popcorn from Bullwinkles and I placed it in some cute little popcorn holders I bought last time I was down "South" (The local's term for anywhere in the "Lower 48." Another local term for anywhere other than Juneau.) It looked really cute placed on my bathroom-cupboard-doors-turned-into-a-serving-tray. I also made a gigantic salad, but it ended up being mainly for looks because the pizzas were so good.

Michelle and Bucky came early so she could "help" make the pizza dough for me.... Okay, she did it all but only because I'm not so good when it comes to working with yeast.... and I didn't want dinner to be ruined. Doesn't she look so cute all pregnant? We just love Michelle and can't imagine not having her part of our family. Bucky couldn't have picked a better partner.
The pizzas turned out incredible, as I knew they would with Bucky in charge. He's an incredible cook. One of my favorite combos was Italian sausage, sun dried tomatoes, basil, garlic, tomatoes, and artichoke hearts. I think it was. Really really good. Of course Canadian Bacon

and pineapple being one of my favorite. Earlier in the day the weather was gorgeous, but by the time it came to grill the pizzas, it was just pouring down. Poor Bucky was outside, under the gutters, trying to stay dry while us girls were inside eating pizza as it came hot off the grill!
And for dessert? This cake. Oh, so good. Michelle is an incredible baker and I've heard rumors would like to open her own bakery one day. I hope she follows her dream and heart and makes it happen one day, when the time is right. This

wasn't any box cake mix but the real thing. Too bad she
forgot to take the leftovers home.... :)
So that was our birthday party yesterday. I hope Tracy had a great birthday. I love you, sweetie. mom