Okay, I know in my first blog entry I wrote that blogging would be a piece of cake for me because I always have something to write about. But I was wrong. Today I'm speechless; don't know what to say. If you look hard enough, you might just see me blushing.... I'm not so comfortable having special attention bestowed upon me.... But Jerusalem, at My Little Life, nominated me for the Nice Matters Award. My first award! That was so nice and I feel so honored. Thank you, Jerusalem!
But why....? The only reason I can think of is because I plugged my daughter's new Etsy site with her cute, homemade journals. Oops, there I go again! Tracy said it was a shameless plug, but what's a mother for if not to help and encourage her children through all stages of life?!
When I started my blog, I wasn't certain where I was headed with it. I had been a faithful reader of Jerusalem's blog and loved it. Hardly a day went by that I didn't "check in" with her life and her family. It was like I was eavesdropping; spying on them. Eventually I left a comment. That opened up a whole new beginning of blogging for me. I was no longer a closet blogger! And now I have my own. It's been a wonderful experience; I don't know that I'll blog for ever, but for now it's filling a void in my life.
Blogging brings like people together and friendships are formed. Creative people blog together; share inspiration and creative ideas. Gardeners tend to attract other gardeners and share their garden ideas. People who love to cook, tend to cook together. Then there's people like me who don't seem to have a theme. I get the best of all blogging worlds. I so appreciate the friendships that are forming; my readers; those people who have decided that Pieces of the Puzzle are worthy of their time. We may never meet in person, but know I'm sincere when I say I appreciate the time you spend visiting me and my family on-line and for giving me the opportunity to visit you.
On that note, I would like to nominate the following for the Nice Matters Award:
My daughter, Tracy at Simply Blissful, of course. Tracy for her sweetness, her creativity, her integrity, her love for her family, and just for being Tracy.
Connie at Notes From a Cottage Garden. Connie has THE most incredible photos of vegies and flowers and butterflies and hummingbirds that she shares with us. It's truly a treat to visit her site.
Julie, from Equus Villa. When you go to Julie's blog, the first thing you see is this beautiful barn/home that she lives in. From there, stories of her life.
A Pink Bee from fairiebees. She's a busy lady; very creative; and so very nice.
Manuela from The Feathered Nest. Just because she always has such nice comments.
I know some of you have already been nominated, probably many times over, but I just wanted to acknowledge that I appreciate your friendships and your regular visits to my life. Nancy
1 comment:
Thank you for your kind words. I always enjoy visiting your blog,too!
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