I'm not certain what I have to write about as I start this post but just feel it's been so long since I've posted anything. Let's see.... we recently returned from three days in Seattle where I went to get my hair cut. Yes, we have hair salons in Juneau, but I'm so tired of getting a not-so-good cut. On our way back from Sedona in June, I swung into a Gene Juarez studio and got the best cut of all times. I absolutely loved it and have decided that all my hair cuts will be done there. Okay, so maybe I won't be flying down every ten weeks just for a haircut but we'll see. It was a good excuse to go buy baby stuff!
But the best part of any travel is coming home. To our Sadie. To the rain. To the cool, brisk

clean air. Yes, there's no place like home. My nephew and his significant other house/Sadie sit for us when we leave. Shodie always has the house looking so clean with little bouquets of flowers everywhere. I commented on them the other day and she said it's a family tradition. Forgive me that I won't get this story correct but you'll get the gist of it. I don't tell jokes either because I can never remember the punch line.... Anyway, when her mother was a young child, they would walk down the road to her mother's house and along the way would always pick wildflowers to take. Whenever Shodie comes for dinner or to house sit, she always brings flowers. Always. I think it's a wonderful tradition!
What traditions does your family have? Fall traditions? My mom always had the house decorated for every holiday. Nothing extravagant but she had this little nook, the area behind the wall oven, that she would put decorations. I decorate to the extreme, with decorations everywhere.... It's tasteful though! I think! Isn't it, Tracy?
Fall is the beginning of the baking season for me. I think that should be a season all it's own, don't you agree?! I have plans for baking an apple crisp for dessert tonight and then pumpkin bread, monkey bread, and a blueberry buckle for tomorrow. We're also having our first of the season turkey dinner tonight. Not quite a full menu but turkey, dressing, potatoes, fruit salad, rolls, and miscellany. So baking and large cooking is definitely my tradition.
I've still been doing a lot of planting in the yard. The nursery where I work is winding down for the year and any perennials and shrubs not in great shape are getting tossed.... Into my car! I'm sorry but I just can't bring myself to throw them out so bring them home. They're just poor, pathetic things but I'm hopeful that with a little tlc, they'll be just fine. But it's been a lot of planting trying to incorporate the salvaged plants into some new, vibrant, gorgeous shrubs. I love all the fall color right now.
Okay, enough rambling and back to traditions... Let me know what your family traditions are, whether they're generations old or newly created by your family. I'm going to come up with some too. Have a great fall day! Nancy