My mother grew up on a farm. They made do with little. She learned canning and all of her adult life, canned all the bounty from our garden. We had a large pantry that was filled to the brim with canned green beans, corn, tomatoes, tomato sauce, grape juice, pickles, pears, peaches, and the list goes on.
I moved away from home when I was 18 and came to Alaska, where I've lived ever since. It hasn't been without regrets that I've lived so far away from family for so long. You miss out on so much. You're not at all the family gatherings and reunions; you're not hearing stories, learning family history, or gathering memories. Yes, I have many regrets about living here all my life.
But it's funny how you take your heritage with you, even if you don't know what it is at the time. I'm so much like my mom and I can see me in my daughter and my son. Some times I find myself holding on to a purse in my lap when riding in the car and I think, "oh, no, I've turned into my mom!" But some heritage is good. I love to garden; I love crafting and making things with my hands; I love making my house a home, I love the simple things in life. Thank you, mom.
But one tradition, one part of our heritage, that didn't get passed down to me was canning our bounty. I could defend myself by saying it's because we don't have the fresh produce available here. It costs a small fortune to feed a family, let alone buy in bulk to can.
My son has proven me wrong. My son, 23 years old, has lived here all of his life.... has

I am so proud of my children. All two of them AND their partners. All of them. Family is so important to them as is family traditions and their heritage. Tracy commented the other day how Bucky is "just like grandpa." He has turned his linen closet into a pantry and is filling it, stockpiling it if you will, with his home canned bounties. I am so proud that he's carrying on the family tradition of canning; canning and sharing his bounty; canning and making memories; canning.... because he's his grandmother's grandson....
Awwww....I love this post! For many evokes memories of my dad and his family were raised on a farm...but it was my city-girl mother who learned to can all of our bounty out of dad's garden...I remember snapping beans...pressure cooking jars with beans and such...and pickles...OH!! Mama did my mother have a great pickle recipe...AND pickled okra...have you ever had that???...THE BEST!! I Love it! Mom put garlic in her pickled in a sense she pickled garlic, too...and we did eat it out of the jar w/the okra...don't know why she never thought to pickle garlic...hmmmm...
Your son sounds like he is carrying on a lovely son is the chef in our home...actually he IS a chef by profession...and his wife....loves it!! We do, too!
I can tell you are like me...I sometimes will do something and think...Oh! Lord! I'm MY mother!! Which isn't bad...but you know what I mean...and I can see me in my daughter as well...poor child! I also, understand the love and happiness you derive from your children...I am sure they are awesome...and I know they make you proud!! I'm sure you have been a great role model for them...
Great thoughts! I miss my Mother so much, but treasure the things she taught me!
Omigosh, this brought tears to my eyes. And brought back lots and lots of memories, of Mom and Dad and their garden, of Grandma and Grandpa's garden (even bigger). And on Mother's Day each year, the entire family (kids, grandkids, cousins) would all meet at Grandma's farm to plant her "family garden" which she shared with the entire family. Of course there would be a huge dinner in the afternoon. Seems like most of our family memories revolve around food!
This brings back memories of my family too... much canning went on..I tried it a couple times, never successful.
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