Do you have a favorite drink that you serve at Christmas time? I made this pretty little thing for Thanksgiving this year. It was pretty, but tasted pretty bad.
It was a recipe from Food Network and looked really good and fun! Ingredients included whole cranberry sauce.... mint, lime, and vodka. I still think it's festive and a perfect looking drink for the holidays, but I won't be making it again.
What do you do? Do you have a special drink for the holidays?
my husband loves beer and even makes his own. he keeps wanting me to ask you to send him beer in exchange for cupcakes. lol. i told that he could send you his own money for his beer to leave my cupcakes out of it. nathan brought us some of that alaskan smoked porter and we love it.
at Christmas time i like hot drinks of course and whats better than bailey's in your coffee. of couse thats pretty good anytime. put the mint chocolate one is nice at the holidays.
You can't go wrong with Hot Buttered Rum. And don't skip on ingredients:
1 pound butter
1 pound brown sugar
1 quart Hagen Daz vanilla ice-cream
The rum gets added to each cup.
You can keep it in the freezer for months although it never lasts that long:~)
And for children, it makes a great hot drink. Without the rum, of course!
Or you can go against "tradition" and serve beautiful white Pina Colada's and play Hawaiian music in the background, and greet your hubby at the door in a grass skirt!!!
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