Today I'm mostly thankful for good friends.
People look forward to the weekend for a variety of reasons. Maybe you like to sleep in... or just lounge around in your jammies all day doing nothing in particular; maybe it's your only chance to read your favorite magazine. Maybe you like to go to church, shopping, or hit local garage sales.
For me, it meant work. Yes, I looked forward to the weekend because I got to go to work! During the work week, I have the privilege of babysitting my grandbabies. Two of them. Babies.... six and eleven months old... This I do for my children and grandbabies. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing them every day, watching them grow; knowing they're in a safe and loving environment. But the weekends.... well,

But the downside of working weekends is that I don't get to do garage sales. So what does one do when found in this predicament? You whine to friends and beg for sympathy for your self-imposed plight! And, like all good friends, they had the perfect solution. They'll shop for me! Course, the fact that they just happen to be full-time garage sale enthusiasts didn't hurt. We were having drinks one Friday evening and I casually mentioned "if you ever find an old window pane....." all the while thinking, yea, that'll never happen.... and next thing you know, they're presenting me with this old, distressed window pane. How cool is this! I originally wanted one to hang outside, under a spruce tree, but decided I could enjoy it every single day if I hung it inside. I love it!
So today..... I am so very thankful to our good friends. Friends who look after friends. I didn't need them to... or ask for their help.... they just did.... For the past three months my husband has not been allowed to drive, well, or do much of anything for that matter. He had surgery and has been in recovery. Our friends would take him to his doctor's appointments (because I had babies to watch) or do other errands for me for no other reason than to help out; to make our lives a little easier. They knew this was a difficult time for me; trying to be all and do all, for all people. Their acts of kindness saved me more than once whether it was the dinner they provided, a safe haven to hang out and forget all my worries for a short while, or the errands they ran for us. So today I am grateful and so very appreciative of the kindness of others.
Here's to good friends!