There are many things that warm my heart. But one is a cute little teapot and teacup. The other are birds. So imagine my delight when I found a cute little white teapot with a bird figurine on top of the lid at Anthropologie! I just had to have it! And it arrived. With the bird figurine busted in dozens of pieces. I was so very sad.
But I called Anthropologie and told them my sad story and they told me they would ship another one!
But this original teapot was still good.... excepting the bird was busted off.... so my husband and I put our creative heads together and thought maybe a knob that you would typically put on a cupboard door would work.... So off to Fred Meyers we went and bought some glue and a white knob!

The top of the lid was still a little rough where the bird sat, so he filed it down as best he could and then glued the new knob on top.

Not bad.... Not so great, but not bad....

It needs something around the base of the knob to hide the fact that it's not the original knob; that it's been glued on.... I thought I could bejewel it so headed to Joann's to see what I could find. Well, I didn't have much luck as beads typically have holes in them and I didn't want my jewels to look so rigid and in a straight line (which it would have to be to hide the holes).

I bought some small river rocks thinking they may work around the base of it. But I'm hesitant to glue them on before I feel totally good about it. Which I don't....
So I'm asking for any ideas. What do you think would work around the base of the knob to hide the fact that it's rough and ragged from the break and to hide the glue? 

Meanwhile, I'm patiently waiting for my new teapot to arrive and am keeping my fingers crossed that it makes it in one piece. Then..... when my sister arrives next week for my daughter's baby shower, we can sit in the study, sipping tea from my adorable teapot and these darling teacups that also arrived from Anthropologie. (It's hard to see them, but they, too, have a little bird on them!)
Happy Easter! It's snowing like there's no tomorrow! Nancy
maybe you could try some of the glass or ceramic paint. just paint a little ring around it or something.
Such a darling tea pot with the birdie, I'm glad they are replacing it for you.
Hmmm, I'm trying to think of a fix for the knob. How about a gold or silver string, tie around the bottom of the knob with a bow. You could even attach something onto the string such as a tiny charm, etc.
Good luck! Let us know what you decide.
Keep the faith, Nancy ... spring always comes, perhaps a little late this year ...
I'm thinking...a beautiful ribbon tied around it with a cute little bird charm...dangling from it! Maybe a sweet little plaid ribbon...or a lovely silk! Yea...just tie a ribbon around er' and call it done!! Simplicity at it's best...after all it will still be the 2 things you love! OH!! and good for "A" for replacing the broken one...praying the other reaches you safe and sound!
What a bout rhinestones? Tiny buttons? If you mosaic the handle with liquid nails (really thin coat) and then grout over it it would look like Pennys mosaic items. You could even use the beads if you just place them so the holes are on the side so the grout covers them. Other than that a ribbon like Theresa suggested was my first thought. Darling pot!
Good job - it is just not finished. A simple solution would be to tie a white satin ribbon around the knob. A bit more work -use (clear glue)some beads around the edge..the right bead will make it look couture..the wrong one will make it look like you are hiding something...ha ha..
A bow of course...like others said ...or take the top off and fill it with fresh flowers :)
Run a row of small little pearls around it and it will just make it look a little fancy!
Good luck~thanks for visiting me a while back!
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