We're still seeing this:

But soon.... the snow will disappear, the soggy soil will dry up, the little red knobs of rhubarb will peak through the remaining snow and ice. Soon....
Meanwhile, Easter will be on us before we know it (March 23) and I've been busy making mental notes for the menu, decorating ideas, and new craft projects.
I found this cute easter eggs book last year and am excited to try some new ideas this year.

I need to buy some eggs and get them dyed and blown out, and then I can start adding all my pretties. Isn't this ribbon just too precious?

And all these cute little embellishments will be perfect!

To get a finished project like this:

I'd really like to make decorating eggs an annual event, like our cookie decorating party, but we've got a lot going on this time of year so I might have to do it alone.
Have a great day!
My friend Jeanne raises chickens and they lay colored eggs! She brought me a dozen of these gorgeous pale blue and pale green eggs. They'll be beautiful, just as they are, in a basket. Any ideas on how to decorate them? Thought maybe I'd use nature's dyes, like blueberries and cranberries. What else?
Look at you...all neat and tidy with your trims and goodies...in the little plastic bins...I'm so impressed...I have some things neat and tidy...and then other things...well, lets just say sometimes my craft cave looks like Michaels, JoAnns, Hobby Lobby, Garden Ridge and a few tag sales threw up in there...sorry for the visual!
I love your little eggs...too cute...and dying eggs used to be a favorite around here when the chillins were young and still at home...no egg dying this year...but hopefully...one day I'll be doing it for grandkids. We always had an Easter Egg Hunt, too...big deal around here...we were still doing them when my children were in High School and my sisters kids were much younger. We would make it harder on the older ones...by doing a type of scavenger hunt...Ahhhh...memories!!
Oh and your gnome peaking out...that has to be a good sign...right??
Have fun...blessings...
you've always been so crafty ~ I hope my little girl will take after her mama & grandma :) course, Adam wants to teach her all the things I can't do...like skateboard!
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Beautiful eggs! I love to decorate them too.
Good morning--glad you are willing to play the game.
-25 is actual temp with -60 windchill. North Dakota!
But I should say that yesterday and today it is 40 ABOVE zero!
Have a great day!
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