What is your favorite day of the weekn? Even though I'm retired, I still get giddy over Fridays and the anticipation of the weekend. Silly ha? We usually get all our errands done during the week when most people are working and the lines aren't so long and just putter around the house on the weekends. Still, Fridays are my favorite day of the week.

Yesterday I mentioned how I love organizing things and working with details. This is my project this week. It's all the nursery signs, pricing tags, and other stuff from the nursery where I work in the summers. What a disorganized mess it was so I brought it home for a winter project. I finally got it finished and had to remove it from the dining table otherwise I would have continued puttering around with it; fine tuning it; changing it. My guess is in a year's time, everything will be back to the way it was originally....
Do you ever watch the Paula Deen show on the Food

Network channel? She's one of my most favorite TV cook show hosts. I love her down home ways, her simple home cooking, and even the way she greets you! Do all southerners say "y'all"? I try a lot of her recipes and have never been disappointed. Yesterday I made some cookies I had been eyeing in her
Cooking with paula deen magazine since March 2006.
Paula's Ultimate Oatmeal Cookies. The recipe is too long to put in here but if you like oatmeal recipes (with icing!), click
here. This was a good reward for getting my sign project done! Yummy!
It's snowing this morning. Just a light dusting as if God is up there with a sifter, gently swooshing it back and forth over his land. It's a delicate, dainty look for this morning. Sorry, I deflected for a moment....
Have you visited the blog,
Modern Country? Beautiful. Beautiful pictures. We go alllllll the way to Norway and she does put English as a second language, but you don't need words to read at this blog. Just pictures. Lovely lovely pictures.
Hope you're having a great weekend! Nancy
Thursday. I love Thursdays. I love the idea of Sunday, but I never manage to have the lazy, lounging around Sunday that I long for. Usually, I'm trying to get stuff done; cleaning, errands, projects, and feeling like I didn't get nearly enough done in my very short weekend.
But Thursdays....there's the anticipation of the weekend, and that I love. I used to, and have started this "ritual" up again now that I'm feeling better, clean house on Thursdays. That way, it's all ready to go for the weekend, and if we have Bucky & Michelle over at the last minute on Friday, I don't have to worry about tidying up or vacuuming up the dog hair. It's so nice to wake up on Saturdays, knowing the house is already clean, or at least mostly clean, and that my entire weekend won't be filled up with just chores.
I also made oatmeal cookies this weekend! I left them on the counter and whaddaya know they disappeared in no time at all. I say y'all and everyone I know does too! It is funny because we live near an army base so lots of people from around the country move here...some with northern accents but by the time they leave (or get out and buy a home and stay...) they are all saying 'y'all'!!!
Paula is a hoot, isn't she? It is a shame her sons aren't better looking LOL.
Oh my goodness. I think I gained five pounds just looking at those cookies! :) Delicious!
My Mother and I spent hours watching Paula Dean on the cooking chanel when Mom was in the hospital before she passed away...so when I hear her voice - it kind of tugs at my heart. ...and yes - real Southerners do say Ya'll!
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