The forecast for this winter is "cooler than normal. Slightly less liquid precipitation and probably near normal snow fall of 95 inches."
We've not had any snow yet this winter which is not normal. We typically have a light snow storm or at least heavy snow mixed with rain in October. So maybe today. It'll be an interesting day at work, if it does. I'm still working at the landscape nursery and down to the final push of tearing all the greenhouses down, sorting through supplies and tossing out no longer needed items. Then there's all the plants, shrubs, and trees that have been moved from point A to point B. We have three acres and everything is being moved from one side to the other side, the staging area, on little garden carts. Talk about work! Then, big container vans will be brought on site and we'll start loading them with thousands of plants. Every shrub and tree has been neatly tied with its branches facing in an upward direction and twine carefully wrapped around them. Tying the plants will, hopefully, keep the breakage down and also keep the plants compact and provide more packing room. The largest trees will be laid on the container floor with shrubs laid on top of the trees next going from largest to smallest. The perennials have been stacked inside of plastic milk crates and they will be piled on top of each other. The plants will live in this container for the long winter....
That was probably more information than you cared to learn but I find the process of moving the nursery somewhat interesting and find myself looking forward to going each week.

Now, I bet you thought of baby nursery when you read the title above! It was a fun baby shower yesterday and Michelle looked just way too cute. She said they're ready for Little No-ah to come into this world.... I got a sneak peak of the nursery a few weeks ago and it was painted so cute in a light green, light blue, and white. It just took me by surprise; it had become a nursery! This was really going to happen! They live in a trailer and it's a very small room so the kids have to be creative in the furniture and equipment they buy. I can hardly wait to see the finished product.
Have a great day! Did you remember to turn your clocks back?
1 comment:
Sounds like you have been very busy. Have a great week. Mary
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