Let's see.... Today we went for a short ride and saw three deer! No, I didn't have my camera with me.... The other day we went for a short ride (to the same area) and saw four deer! Again.... no camera.... It seems when I take my camera, I don't see any. Tough luck.

My sweet husband surprised me with this diamond necklace a couple days ago.
I know the picture doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea.
And this darling card. Isn't it so cute?!

We've been married 12 years and it was only a couple months ago that I received my first diamond earrings. He seems to be on a roll now! Should I stop him???? Tell him, "no!" it's too extravagant????
Nahhhhhh, I think not! I never much cared for diamonds, but not long ago, while watching a commercial on tv, it hit me.... diamonds ARE romance AND I wanted some! But I could say that knowing I would probably never get any.... they are pretty expensive after all.... and I'm more of an amber person than a diamond lady. But I'll tell you--I'm getting used to being a diamond lady real quick! So what was the occasion for being thanked? For putting up with his daughter for the last nine months....
I might get one more post in before heading on vacation Friday. And, no, I'm not taking my laptop with me. We're going to Sedona. Yes, Sedona, Arizona, in the summer. And, yes, we realize most sane people go to Arizona in the cold of winter, but not us! What you have to understand is, when we made these travel arrangements, we were climbing to our record breaking 200 inches of snow! We were so tired of winter, the cold, the snow, that we just wanted to go somewhere sunny and warm. Sunny and warm it will be! It's predicted to be 98 on Friday. Even though we aren't sun seekers, we are excited to see Sedona as have heard it's gorgeous.
Enjoy that trip. I have always wanted to visit Sedona.
You know I'm not at all materialistic, but there's nothing like a gift of diamonds from the man you love, the man who loves you enough to buy you diamonds. Enjoy them!!
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