Yes, I'm at a loss for words today.... Things have been so hectic around the house recently between work, company, my step-daughter moving out, and working in the yard that I haven't had time to do much writing, or thinking about writing, or reading other's blogs, or taking interesting pictures to share. But not that there's anything interesting to share either. We've had a few really nice, sunny days--in the high 60's--which means I'm working long hours and hard hours out in the yard on those days I'm not working working. But we don't have any color yet, shrubs are still struggling to come to life. So much to do and so little time.
Here's a few of the outdoor projects I'm working on right now. My secret rooms.... I love secret gardens with little rooms independent of the other and pathways winding throughout.

This room is my Berry Patch with lingonberries and blueberries. I'm hopeful for a good spring crop.... although it may be more for looks....

And yard art is an important ingredient in my cottage garden but I have some wonderful old objects that I display in my gardens. This is an old garden plow that came from my kids' great great uncle's place. I love it!

Yes, I love to garden! But I'm sad this year as I've come to the realization that I'm no spring chick anymore and I have way too much yard work for one person, or two or four! My husband has damaged arms and can't help much. So I need to keep him busy doing light work and leave the heavy and repetitive work for me. As sad as it is, gardens need to be removed but it seems for every one removed, one or two new ones surface....
So that's been my life these past few days. Hardly time to think straight. Tomorrow's another day.
thank you for always keeping a garden. I don't think I'd love flowers & gardening nearly as much if you hadn't
You're welcome, sweetie. I'm glad you get so much enjoyment out of it. It's good therapy for all that ails you. When I was selling our Glacier Hwy home, a lady in the 8-plex felt great sadness in my leaving. She said she loved looking over our property at my "Martha Stewart" yard. love, mom
I love your garden! I remember always feeling like I was entering an enchanted garden at the old house. And then Tracy's rehersal dinner was so lovely out back at the new house. You have such a great green thumb!
Thank you, Jerusalem.... And that's why I do what I do, because it gives others so much pleasure too. Nancy
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