With that said, I am "allowed" to paint outside! Where the spray paint can dissipate throughout the neighborhood and the paint on the blades of grass will get mowed. Yes, here I am master! Well, kinda sorta. He still directs me, which is fine, because what do I know about the proper way of using a can of spray paint....
I have a couple projects this week. Lawn chairs. Those ugly, white, plastic lawn chairs that over time get stained and you dread having company sit in them. So I decided to paint them. A lime green. Or the closest color I could find.
I have to say that even spray painting is hard for me. I end up with drips, and runs, and dark blotches. So I sigh a heavy sigh of frustration, and my sweet man will take over and fix it all for me. Does he know I plan it that way? We do make a good team.
Another project is this old chandelier I found at a garage sale for $5.00. I painted one a few years ago, but it turned out so well, that I thought I'd do another one. I bought white paint.... but am tempted to paint it a color much brighter! Say lime or light blue....?
What do you think?
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