Pussy Willows. Skunk Cabbage. Denticulata (primrose). Chives. Red knobby heads of the Rhubarb. More daylight. Dick. Spring King. These are signs of spring in Juneau.
Did I say "spring"? Could it be? Spring? Yea!!!! Yes, I do believe spring has finally sprung in Juneau. It's been sunny AND warm the last few days. So much that I have a tan! Yes! Hard to believe, I know. But I'm back working part-time at the nursery (plant nursery) and it doesn't hurt that I get to be outside all day. This is my therapy.

When I'm not working, we're babysitting my precious little grandbaby, Hunter. He's just so cute, all you want to do is look at him. We started babysitting last week and so far, so good. We've got a nice little routine down, one that works for all of us, and we've only had one temper tantrum.... so far.... Today we're going outside to do yard work. The snow is gone and we're able to rake and do spring clean up. This is the best part of spring. Getting the yard back in shape after a long winter of snow and ice and debris that's been blown around.

Our friend, Dick, arrived last weekend. He comes every year to fish for King Salmon. He stands on the rocky shore of North Douglas, casting his line at the first crack of dawn. Waiting.... Hoping the seals won't return to take their share of the catch.... Dick arrived at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday and by 8:45 a.m. on Sunday he had his first King Salmon of the season. Fish on! That's all he needs to say when he calls and we know to have the barbecue ready. I wish I could describe just how good this first King Salmon of the year is. We look forward to it for months. Our mouths watering. The fish is processed within minutes of being caught and slapped on the grill before you can blink. The key to a fabulous dinner is hot coals and Old Hickory Smoked Salt. Mike has this process down to perfection. The heat of the coals. Only minutes on the grill. Cooked
just until the fish is no longer raw. The oils still oozing out of it. The best fish ever.
Yes, spring has sprung!
any way you could like overnight me some leftovers?
yes, when I look at photos of Hunter, I can't help but think how cute he his. I just love those little round cheeks!
Ah! Delighted life seems back to normal! And ... are you sharing the wonderful salmon recipe with the rest of us drooling ...
I am so happy for you! I know how happy spring makes me:>) Your grandson is absolutely beautiful! I have to agree with you, all you want to do is look at him. How precious:>)
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